Blockchain Trilemma

A blockchain is essentially a distributed digital database. The order of the data blocks is chronological. Cryptographic proofs are used to link and safeguard the blocks. Our way of working and living is already changing as a result of the adoption of this technology across several industries.
The notion is that networks and marketplaces may operate without the need for third parties in a future enabled by decentralized and secure blockchains. But most experts concur that a fundamental issue needs to be resolved if this technology is to be used more broadly. The “blockchain trilemma” refers to the issue in question.
Security. Decentralization. Scalability. Three pillars of cryptocurrencies that all appear to be striving to coexist but finding it difficult to live in harmony.

Properties of a Blockchain

Embark on a journey to explore the intrinsic properties and versatile applications of blockchain technology, unraveling the layers of digital trust and innovation that define this transformative landscape.


Decentralization is the process of spreading control over a larger area away from a single central organization, business, or government. Decentralization in blockchain allows users to operate the network using their computers (called “nodes”) rather than having the network’s control reside with a single company or individual.


Although blockchain is naturally safe, it is not completely impervious to hackers. A hacker can change a blockchain and manipulate transactions to steal from the network if they can gain control of more than half (51%) of the network. In blockchain, security increases with the number of nodes.


Like in business, scalability in blockchain refers to how big a network can go while still keeping the same level of output and transaction speed.
When decentralization and scalability operate together, security often suffers, while scalability-enabling innovations are constrained by security. Why? Basically because scaling decentralized networks is challenging and requires some additional work.

Blockchain Trilemma explained

According to the trilemma, a blockchain network cannot simultaneously satisfy all three requirements. For instance, the scalability and security of a blockchain network with a high degree of decentralization are likely to be lower. Highly scalable blockchain networks are likely to be less secure and decentralized.
A major issue currently facing the blockchain community is this trade-off. To enable blockchain networks to strike a balance between scalability, security, and decentralization, researchers and developers are searching for solutions. Off-chain scaling, sharding, and proof of stake are some suggested fixes.

Blockchain Trilemma Trade-off

The trade-off between scalability, security, and decentralization that occurs in every blockchain-based system is known as the “Blockchain Trilemma,” to sum up. The industry and community are still trying to come up with a solution, but finding the right balance between these three qualities is essential for the adoption of blockchain technology.

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